Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My Cup (and my plate) Runneth Over

They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.  That may be true, it very much applies to this she-man as well. When preparing for our trip home for the holidays, I found myself daydreaming about the things I was going to eat and, of course, the people I will share it with.  Many family members asked for "requests" (so sweet!).  Some, already primed from years past, just threw it out there - it went something like this:

"Hi Uncle Milan, Lewis and I are coming in town and want to make sure we see you while we're home."

"Great!  Come Tuesday around 5.  Let me know if you want smoked shrimp dip."

He Read. My. Mind.

When I worked in radio, most of the artists had what they call a "rider" where they would send their requests...ahem...demands to the radio station ahead of time.  These were to be filled prior to their arrival to the studio or concert location.  One of my favorites was a Britney Spears request that "no plastic cutlery of any kind is permitted in the dressing room."  I wonder if she'd shudder to know that the silverware we provided came out of the $0.50 bin at the nearby thrift store. I ended up inheriting the "Britney Spears flatware" after that.  In fact, I think it is still floating around here somewhere. Perhaps her diva-ness was contagious and I caught it as a result of using said silverware. Anyways, I digress...it started to occur to me just how much I associate meals with people.  When in "Germantown", I always request Kristin's cucumber and tomato salad with that magic marinade that she blesses it with, Bville - Mama Susan's Chicken and Dumplins,' Dad and Ann - grilled steaks (or smoked lamb chops if I'm feeling like a total P.I.T.A) with Ann's ratatouille or tabouleh depending on the meal, and my sweet, self-aware-that-she-is-culinarliy-challenged mama - a trip to Bacco (love ya Mo!).  I know I'm a sentimental sap.  I guess I really shouldn't be surprised that it generalizes to food. What a lucky glutton I am that my family makes all my culinary dreams come true!  I'm feeling so blessed to have these loving people as my family and so lucky to have shared these traditions of breaking bread with them. Can't wait to see ya'll soon!

At least I'm not this bad, right?

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