Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The greatest kitchen innovation?

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to...onion goggles. You see, I have a love-hate relationship with onions. I love to cook with them, in fact I am hard-pressed to think of a recipe in my repertoire that doesn't call for one. However when I chop them they fight back with potent chemical warfare.  I know that most people tear up when slicing these bad boys, but me, I look like I have watched the ending of the La Bamba for a week straight. Ugly crying, mucous pouring...not exactly appetizing. I have tried all the tricks - cutting them under cold water (not exactly easy, I might add), lighting a candle, rinsing the knife, opening a window, you name it, I've tried it. Finally fed up, I turn to that ever-faithful search engine with all the answers...Google. I weed through familiar wives' tales and Hark, I happen upon "onion goggles." Apparently these beauties seal around your eyes preventing those vexatious vapors from wreaking havoc on your membranes. <cue choir of angels, please> oh...and they come in pink. Hallelujah!

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