Thursday, September 30, 2010

Market Value

My booty
So the latest adventure on the road to becoming a city girl is to shop at the fun ethnic markets. There are many to choose from in the big city...Spanish, Mexican, Asian (old Asian men are ADORABLE by the way...reason enough to shop there) and the list goes on. So far my loyalty lies at the Spanish market a few blocks from home. I plan my trips armed with my list of produce that is acceptable to buy "un-organic." [For more information simply google "The Clean 15" vs. "The Dirty Dozen."] but often end up with superfluous fun purchases such as a jicama, hot sauce which I deem "indigenous", and very cute yellow squashes with ruffles around the edges.  At the check-out I can't help but ask a few questions.  Pointing to the mountain of gelatinous cheese covered by a clear plastic dome I ask, "What kind of cheese is that?" The answer complete with rolled /r's/ and breathy /que/ sound, "Queso Fresca." "Ahhh," I find myself replying with a nod as if I knew what it was all along and merely had a brief mental block. I press on. "What do you do with these jicamas?" "Well we saute them and add them to Corno' Rosco' (SG's interpretation to what cashier actually said)." Again as if I can't help myself at this point, I reply AGAIN with a nod, "ahhh. huh." (Note: Jicama still sitting in produce bin on SG's counter - unsauteed.  Will likely remain in this state until rot and/or mold, whichever more indigenous to jicama species, sets in, ...And yes, I acknowledge this does make me somewhat of a poser) I limit myself to these two questions as to avoid being labeled the "polka-dotted pariah," and await the total. Nine-teen dollares and vente-cinco cents. Wait. Really? Surely she had forgotten to ring something in. All this fresh produce, spices, meat for the dog, and an entire jicama for under twenty bucks?! I hesitate counting out my dollares and she feels the need to translate slower.  "NiNE-TEEN Doh-Lars ann Twen-tee-Fih Sssenss." "Oh. Wow. Yes, mam...muchas gracias!" Really Caroline?!  You're such a nerd. Maybe you should take your damn jicama and google what to do with it.

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