Saturday, September 18, 2010

Green Spaces

Out and about in the city today and I happen upon this...people sitting alongside the street (lined with sod) and enjoying themselves as if in the serenity of a park. Hmmm. What could this be? Several possibilities cross my mind, each trying to win as "most logical"...are they waiting to buy tickets to a concert? Is a new book about to hit shelves and they must have it NOW? But why the sod?  I suppose it is a clever way to cushion the ground if one expects to be sitting on pavement for an extended period of time.  After all Californites are creative creatures...pretty genius way to wait out a ticket sale if you ask me! And quite esthetically pleasing! Convinced that I have stumbled upon the most plausible explanation for this exotic site, I continue on my way. Wanting to share my discovery and perhaps boast a little about having deciphered the situation so well, I tell Lewis of the display.  Letting me down gently, he says, "I think they are part of that 'Take Back the Parking Spaces" movement." Uh. Huh. Of course.  Silly SG. Hippies don't do things simply for themselves -it's part of the Hippie Credo to act on the part of the greater good.  While I'm not exactly sure what the desired outcome is O' Beloved Hippies (do you want the city to rip up the concrete and replace it with a putting green? Not likely friends, but major points for optimism!), I have to say this is dedication at its finest.  It also further proves that you never know what sight or scenario might pique your curiosity in this fabulous city full of fabulous people on any given day!  I heart you San Francisco...and I color that heart green.

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