Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Let's Catch Up

I'm sure you're thinking that I must have won that big house of my dreams and become a reclusive rich person swimming in my pool of gold coins. With all this new nouveau riche-ness, I couldn't possibly have time to blog. Nope. Shocking, I know.  We didn't win - but I have been busy in the time I've been away.  For one, I've gone from brunette back to my beloved blonde. I've discovered my disdain for fondant (and well, confirmed my disdain for baking), started a new job, made "brow history" at the Benefit Brow Bar, and perhaps most significantly, I finally sat for my Board Certification exam. Eeek, now I've said it out loud. Human behavior is funny - I've found myself guarding the fact that I was taking it. Because, you know, if people know, then they will ask how you did. What if I don't pass? I'll have to tell them. Oh, the shame. Will I have an invisible scarlet letter "F" for failure across my chest? Perhaps, but I'm sure it will only be self-imposed. I will find out in 45 days. So for now I'm basking in the ignorance of the impending answer and enjoying the fact that I am DONE! My life is once again my own!  Look out you bunnies of dust; Mt. Pile O' Laundry, I will soon be conquering you...and finally giving some attention my poor, neglected blog.

Buh-Bye Brown... we never were a good match for one another

Born again Blonde
Just some of the fall-out from Operation Study 24/7
My first and last attempt at cake decorating.  There is a reason why fondant is an "F" word.
The Benefit Brow Bar was trying to set a Guinness World Record for the most brows done in a day. I did my part.

annnddd...I have found a "Southern Girl Sisterhood" out here in Cali!  More on this to come...