Thursday, March 21, 2013

Crimes of a Cat Lady

In an attempt to combat the onslaught of cat hair in our house and on our clothes, we made an appointment to get Gracie shaved. When I lived back in SC, I used to do this every summer to help her stay cool and to prevent her from shedding her winter coat all over my furniture. Since moving to San Francisco, I felt I didn't need to do this since the temperatures are pretty consistently cool. Gracie did not feel she should return the favor and has continued the yearly tradition of shedding her coat. Please allow me to quantify this for you...this is not a gradual process. We're talking clumps of hair left Hansel-and-Gretl style throughout our house. Try to give some kitten affection and you're left holding an unwanted dander bomb.  We were going through lint rollers faster than a roll of toilet paper. It was gross. Now add to this Oliver's need for year-round molting and the poor Oreck (or my nervous system) didn't stand a chance. Something had to be done. We had to shave the cat. After researching places that will "accept" cats to their grooming service, we wait the  - yes - THREE WEEKS  - for the appointment date. Seventy-five dollars and several kilos of hair later, this is what we got:
 I have to admit that it took us a full day and a half not to laugh every time this rodent-esque creature slinked in to the room.  Even the poor cat seemed embarrassed and would retreat under the bed every chance she got. whatta' difference. It was so nice to be able to enjoy our pet once again.  I was not prepared for the side effect of guilt that would come with this decision. The poor cat was cold. My moment of shame caused me to drive directly to PetSmart for a kitty sweater. I was about to be schooled on all things Vestment du' Pet. Did you know that there are "designers" that fashion Pet Wear? Nope, me either. Martha Stewart, Disney, and Bret Michaels to name a few. Also, it follows the two main fashion season - Spring and Fall.  Seriously?  As you can imagine, there were slim pickin's this time of year.  Most of what was there would require duct tape and a straight jacket to keep on the poor, tortured animal. Not gonna happen. I head to the clearance section in hopes of something promising among the dregs. I concede to the red Minnie Mouse "sweatshirt" dangling sadly from its plastic hanger. Once home, I wrangle the cat into her second skin and marvel at the cuteness staring back at me.  My guilt has been appeased...for now.
Function over fashion...or perhaps a little of both.
Martha Stewart's Spring Line -  I'm not so sure it's a "good thing."